Sail Fish Scuba: 28 June 2018 AM & PM

Finding Nemo Blue Tang Scuba Fun Day Adventure. We just had such an amazing day. Inst. Thomas taught PADI Discover Scuba Diving this morning at the pool with four guests. Then he guided his guests this afternoon. Inst. Dave joined the afternoon as did Dive Master Boo to guided 2 return DSD divers from Tuesday class. The morning snorkel guests enjoyed Inst. Dave’s guiding, while DM Boo guided the group of certified divers. Today was just another all around perfectly pleasant day in the Florida Keys. We give thanks to the good folks at Florida Keys Dive Center for hosting our big groups all day on their boats.

Reef Report

North North West 340 degrees 2 – 4 knots
Flat and looks like LAKE Atlantic again today!
Light Current
50 – 60 feet
Water Temperature

Dive Profiles

AM Dive 1 SITE : Horseshoe Reef Ledge
Depth: 22 Feet
Bottom Time: 45 Min
Surface Interval: 15 Minutes
AM Dive 2 SITE : Shark Ledge Reef
Depth: 28 Feet
Bottom Time: 50 Min
PM Dive 1 SITE : Snapper’s Ledge
Depth: 25 Feet
Bottom Time: 41 Min
Surface Interval: 10 Minutes
PM Dive 2 SITE : Hen’s and Chicken’s Reef
Depth: 24 Feet
Bottom Time: 42 Min

Your Crew Today

Captain: Crew of Florida Keys Dive Center Crew
First Mate: Crew of Florida Keys Dive Center Crew
Dive Guide: AM: Inst. Dave with snorkeling guests & DM Boo with divers / PM: Inst. Dave joined 6 DSD group to take their photos.
Dive Instructor: AM POOL: Inst. Thomas taught 4 Discover Scuba Diving & PM BOAT: Inst. Thomas & PADI Dive Master Boo took 6 DSD’s diving.

FREE Guests Photos

Sail Fish Scuba always provides guests with FREE photos of their tours.
28 June 2018 AM PM
Click here to download photos or to see all the fun!

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Certified Divers

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Finding Nemo Blue Tang Scuba Fun Day Adventure