Sail Fish Scuba: 28 February 2018

Molasses Key Largo Reef Love Massive Fish. Molasses, Molasses we love Molasses! Not just on our biscuits, but the dive site is pretty freaking AWESOME! So much life it brings our divers back daily! Divers and Snorkelers enjoyed Molasses yet again stopping by ball #6 the Winch and ball #25 Spanish anchor! What a pair of dive sites! The actual winch from the schooner in 1887 + the anchor!

Reef Report

East 90′ 12-14 knots
1-2 feet
Light Current
40- 50 Feet
Water Temperature

Dive Profiles

Dive 1 Winch – Hole in the Wall
Depth: 24 Feet
Bottom Time: 45 Min
Surface Interval: 15 Minutes
Dive 2 Spanish Anchor
Depth: 30 Feet
Bottom Time: 40 Min

Your Crew Today

Captain: Dave
Dive Guide: Nick
Snorkel Guide: David

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28 February 2018 PM

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Molasses Key Largo Reef Love Massive Fish
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