Everyone Loves Diving Molasses Reef Sites

We know Everyone Loves Diving Molasses Reef Sites with our guides at Sail Fish Scuba dive shop. Our guides make it so much fun for our guests. Getting to see beautiful coral reef and sharks is just part of why Everyone Loves scuba Diving at Molasses Reef mooring Sites in lovely Key Largo, Florida Keys.

20 March 2019

Morning @ Jules Undersea Lodge Lagoon & Afternoon @ Molasses Reef

This morning at Jules Undersea Lodge Lagoon Inst. Mike taught PADI Open Water Training dives 1, 2 and 3 to our newest 2 OW Referral Students. PADI Inst. Jen taught modified scuba tune up with 1 student who was wanting to focus on just a few skills. During the tour portion at the lagoon Jen was stoked to find not 1 but 2 huge green lettuce sea slugs on the bottom.
This Afternoon at Molasses Reef Inst. Thomas guided a group of certified divers and Inst. Mike took his morning 3 divers out on Deeper for some reef exploration dives.
Many moray eels were seen at both Tons of Fun site and Moray Mike’s Reef site.
We would love to have you join us for a tour next week and signing up is super easy on our website 24/7.

Where to go for Lunch/Dinner after your tour

Check out these coupons for local restaurants. Show the virtual coupon upon your arrival at each restaurant to get the great discounts. If you visit any other restaurant in Key Largo, show them these coupons & ask if they will match it for you and suggest to them to contact Jen Kerr owner of Sail Fish Scuba to have their restaurant added to this great tourist savings page for FREE! – https://sailfishscuba.com/key-largo-information/coupons/

Reef Report

North East 50 degrees 10 – 14 knots
1.0’ to a gentle rolling 1.5’ here and there.
Light Current
50 – 65 feet
Water Temperature
77.7 F
AIR Temperature
74.5 F
Partly Sunny with a gentle cool North breeze all day. Bird chirping in the mangroves and not too Choppy seas


Dive Profiles

Afternoon Dives

PM Dive 1 SITE : Tons of Fun Reef

PM Dive 1 SITE : Tons of Fun Reef
Depth: Mike 18 & Tom 24 Feet
Bottom Time: Mike 35 & Tom 40 Min
Oh the lovely fish and colorful coral reef at this site.
Surface Interval: 19 Minutes

PM Dive 2 SITE : Moray Mike’s Reef

PM Dive 2 SITE : Moray Mike’s Reef

Depth: Mike 30 & Tom 34 Feet
Bottom Time: Mike 45 & Tom 42 Min
Amazing reef filled with colorful fish and soft corals.

Your Crew Today

Dive Shop Staff:
Owner of Sail Fish Scuba: Chris Kerr & Jen Kerr
Crew of DEEPER: Captain Bill
Instruction: Inst. Mike OW 1,2,& 3 training dives
Inst. Jen ~ Modified Scuba Tune Up.

Dive Guide: Inst. Thomas & Inst. Mike

FREE Guests Photos

Sail Fish Scuba always provides guests with FREE photos of their tours.
20 March 2019
Click here to download photos or to see all the fun!

Ready to Try SCUBA Diving?

If you think that scuba diving looks really cool and you are ready to give it a try, sign up now.

For the Discover Scuba Diving: No experience necessary,

Everyone Loves Diving Molasses Reef Sites